About Me

I am a mom of three sons and am fondly called "Super Mom."​

My Why

When I was much younger, growing up in Lagos, Nigeria, I remember the aromas that permeated my home. To my little growing mind, the mix of herbs and fresh ingredients was pure heaven—the delicate slicing and dicing, cleaning, and preparing of all the ingredients. Our children miss out on going to the local market. Now that I look back, as a child, I may not have been so light-hearted about the wait time.

I grew up with organic living and a super grandma whose cooking was excellent. When Grandma was in town, we were in for several dishes with a twist. Cooking is an art. Two hands cooking the same dish passed down to each generation have a part of the personality in them.

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My oldest told me, Mumsie, my stew and omelet don't taste like yours; what's the extra you haven't taught me, I replied to him You couldn't beat Mom's cooking with a huge smile. I asked my mother the same question. A meal prepared by a mother has an underlying extra spice: "with love." That's the extra spice. These formative years will stay with you because of the love you feel, passed on through the meal. Therein lies the differentiator and the opportunity for change to modify and improve while preserving the flavors. He said Ah, I understand it's like the circle of life; once the recipes are passed on from generation to generation, we keep the essence of the love that created the meal in our subconscious, which connects you to your home.


These recipes have been passed down from generation to generation. My sons have urged me to immortalize them with clips that show the process of teaching and sharing. Hence, I am motivated to leave something for my children and their children.

Roots -Nigeria

Nigeria once heralded the ‘Giant of Africa’ a giant that refuses to cower, a vibrant nation that continues to redefine itself and share in the innovation of today, continuously pushing itself, recreating, revamping and keeping the nation firmly on the map, the can-do attitude, the will and the spirit “To Be”.

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